Why Mediation Works – Save Your Time, Money & Focus On The Future

Divorce is an anxiety-provoking process.  There are many unknowns and the prospect of going to court and talking about your personal issues and finances is often terrifying for most people.  However, you do not have to go to court to get divorced in California. In fact, many couples never set foot in court. With Collaborative Divorce and Mediation, you never have to go to court. Collaborative Practice San Diego is a group of attorneys, financial professionals and mental health professionals that all believe in helping you through this process while preserving your time, money, sanity, and family relationships. Check out this article from one of our members, Scott Levin, to learn more about divorce through mediation.

Shawn Skillin, Esq.

Why Mediation Works – Save Your Time, Money & Focus On The Future

By Scott Levin, Esq., CDFA

If you’re looking for an effective, efficient, and cost-effective way to resolve disputes, then mediation is the answer. By utilizing mediation, you can save both time and money while focusing on the future rather than remaining stuck in the past.

Read the entire article HERE

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