Want to Divorce Like Brad and Angie? Choose Collaborative Divorce

Angelina Jolie with her husband Brad Pitt, at the Cannes premiere of “A Mighty Heart” in May 2007. Photo: George Biard
After the initial news about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s divorce hit the headlines including accusations of angry episodes and plenty of gossipy accusations, the two famous actors realized their family, especially their six minor children, would be better off if they didn’t hash out their problems in public.
When the dust settled, the pair hired a private judge and will have their divorce paperwork sealed to protect the details from prying eyes including TMZ.
In a standard divorce, all records are public. But you don’t have to be an Oscar winning movie star like Brangelina to conduct your divorce in private. Collaborative Divorce allows you to keep your divorce private. Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego board president Justin Reckers explains some of the advantages in an inteview for CNBC.
Read the interview here. Visit our website home page for more information to learn whether a Collaborative Divorce may be right for you.