Three Divorces In One

by Traci Hoppes, Family Law Attorney Law & Mediation Firm of Klueck & Hoppes Family law attorneys are hired to help people obtain a legal divorce. However, most divorce clients are really going through three different “divorces” at the same time: 1.  Emotional Divorce The emotional divorce begins with the decision to separate and ends…

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Collaborative Divorce featured Thursday, Aug 18 on Real Talk San Diego Radio

San Diego based family law attorney Shawn Weber, member of the Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego, will talk about Collaborative Divorce and other family law issues during his upcoming appearance on the ESPN 1700 AM Radio program “Real Talk San Diego” with hosts Ryan White and Karen Kaseno on Thursday, August 18, at…

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Date of Separation and the Collaborative Divorce Process

by Frann Setzer, Esq. MBA/Certified Family Law Specialist The Law Office of Frann Setzer, APLC In some dissolutions, the date that parties separate is a crucial issue. This is because by law, the marital ‘community’ ends on the day when parties separate. The end of the marital community means that income earned or possibly property…

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Top Four Reasons Why You Should Hire a Divorce Financial Specialist

by Shawn Weber, CLS-F Attorney, Weber Dispute Resolution In my years as a Collaborative Divorce practitioner, folks have asked me why they should spend the money to hire a Financial Specialist as part of their divorce team. A financial specialist is an excellent resource, who can bring a neutral financial perspective to a legal process.…

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Keeping The Costs Of Divorce Down Is Up To You

by Myra Chack Fleischer Lead Counsel, Fleischer & Ravreby There is an old joke about divorce. Why is divorce so expensive? Because it’s worth it. Humor is rooted in the truth. The truth is that sometimes getting divorced can cost a lot of money. The legal fees can seem out of proportion after it’s all…

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