Don’t Let the Holidays Wreck Your Finances

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We tend to put financial pressure on ourselves to make up for our divorce or separation by overindulging in purchasing Christmas gifts for our loved ones that are way beyond our budget. Here are some secrets we can share with you to help curb your overspending this holiday season: Create a holiday budget to include:…

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Your Pre-Divorce Holiday Season Coping Guide

by Lynn Waldman, LCSW Have you been facing this holiday season with a mix of emotions; on one hand, hoping things will get better in your relationship, while at the same time dreading another holiday feeling stuck, empty, alone and wondering why you stay? Suppose part of you has decided you are going to leave…

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Interview: Tips For Successful Holiday Co-Parenting

The holidays aren’t always happy when you’re a single parent trying to work with your children’s mother or father to accommodate everyone’s schedule, see relatives, and spend special holiday time with the kids. Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego members Shawn Weber, attorney with Brave Weber Mack; and Justin Reckers, director of Pacific Divorce…

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