Posts Tagged ‘family law’
Ask These Five Questions to Find Out If You Are a Candidate for Collaborative Divorce
by Adryenn Cantor, CFLS, AAML Law Office of Adryenn Cantor, San Diego, California If you see the completion of your marriage as transition, instead of failure, then you can consciously decide how to move forward in dissolving your marriage with grace and thoughtfulness. Instead of seeing the process as dividing assets, dividing time with the…
Read MoreWhat You Can Do to Reduce Attorney Fees and Costs and Finish Your Divorce Sooner
by Susan Rapp, CLS-F, Family Law Attorney There are a number of ways to resolve parenting, property, debt, and support issues in a divorce. These methods include Collaborative Divorce, hiring an attorney and attempting to settle issues outside of court, going to court and litigating unresolved issues, and working with an impartial mediator, with or…
Read MoreBrave New World of Divorce: Alimony For Your Eggs?
Divorce is never a happy situation. But it can be especially difficult for women who would like to become mothers and face an expiration date on their fertility. Reproductive medicine provides many more options for people who wish to become parents. But this can also complicate a divorce. Fertility preservation could now become an issue…
Read MoreTips for Empty Nesters When the Kids Leave for College
Many parents are working through the transition in their lives created when their children leave for college. As CFLGSD member and family law attorney Julia Garwood notes, things change. They no longer know when the kids are home, whether they are eating or sleeping properly, who they are hanging out with, and other everyday activities.…
Read MoreSurvey: Single Fathers Head Record Number of Households with Minor Children in U.S.
A record 8% of households with minor children in the United States are headed by a single father, up from just over 1% in 1960, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of Decennial Census and American Community Survey data. The number of single father households has increased about ninefold since 1960, from less than…
Read MoreFour Tips for Making Divorce Easier on You and Your Family
by Myra Chack Fleischer, CLF-S, Fleischer & Associates Making the decision to get divorced is never easy. If you have been there, done that, no matter when you file you know it can be consuming and is usually the result of a thought processing lasting weeks, months, even years. If there are children involved, it…
Read MoreCultures, Children and Caring: The Collaborative Model Puts Children First
by Robert A. Simon, Ph.D. Concepts of what is best for children may seem obvious. But as I learned during the recent 6th World Congress on Family Law and Children’s Rights in Sydney, Australia, there is a surprising amount of variation. This conference, held every four years, is attended by mental health professionals, judges, attorneys…
Read MoreHow to Find the Divorce Process That Works for You
by Mel Mackler, MA, LMFT Coaching and Education for an Emotionally Healthy Divorce When it comes to divorce, many people hire an attorney out of anxiety. They feel compelled to get advice or protection, often before they’ve discussed the situation with their spouse or partner. Once the discussion is on the table, a spouse may…
Read MoreSperm Donor Being Pursued for Child Support
Family law attorney and CFLGSD member Myra Fleischer discussed a Kansas child support case making national news in this interview with NBC 7 San Diego. In the case, a man who participated in a private donation arranged via Craigslist to a same-sex couple is now being pursued for support after the biological mother applied for…
Read MoreWho Is A Parent in 2013?
by Frank X. Nageotte, CLS-FL Faced over the last 30 years with rapid advances in the science of human reproduction and fertility, DNA analysis, and genetics, the equally rapid evolution of the legal rights of gay and lesbian individuals, and significant changes in social views regarding traditional marriage, same-sex couples, and families, the law throughout…
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