Considering divorce? Attend our Divorce Options Workshop Saturday, September 2

Divorce filings rise as children return to school; get informed about your choices (SAN DIEGO) – As children return to school and families end summer vacations, divorce filing rise in California. If you are considering ending your marriage, get informed about your options at the next “Divorce Options” workshop in San Diego offered by the…

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RSVP Now For Divorce Options Workshop Saturday, May 6

Popular new location for workshop in Carmel Valley offers convenient freeway access for discussion about your no-court alternatives San Diegans facing difficult decisions about divorce can now take advantage of valuable free workshops in a convenient new location, where they can learn about their alternatives to a stressful, adversarial divorce. Led by volunteer attorneys, financial…

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Collaborating From Afar On Collaborative Divorce Cases

by Meredith G. Lewis, CLS-F, CDFA In most Collaborative Divorce cases, the parties and professional team members reside and work in the same city, and are able to have in person meetings throughout the process. What if a situation arises when one of the parties, or even one of the chosen professional team members, lives…

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Understanding the Chemistry Of A Divorce

People often express the need to find “chemistry” in their relationships, the connection, bond, or feeling of commonality between two people. Without positive chemistry, any potential for a relationship is stopped cold. But even an intense attraction which leads to a marriage can often fade or become lost over time, leading to the decision to…

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Why a Collaborative Divorce Makes Financial Sense

For couples ready to part ways, a Collaborative Divorce can often prevent the angry, destructive results of many divorce proceedings. As reported in U.S. News & World Report, Collaborative Divorce embraces the concept that a couple once considered themselves partners during their marriage, and should be able to end it together as well, deciding how…

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Ten Must-Dos After Your Divorce

by Nancy Stassinopoulos, Certified Family Law Specialist Nancy Stassinopoulos, APC Many couples think their case is over on the date they sign their Marital Settlement Agreement. This is a momentous occasion, especially in a collaborative case where the entire team usually meets in a conference room to review and sign the final documents. Emotions can…

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Empower Yourself During Your Divorce

by Debra Caliguri, Law and Mediation Offices of Debra N. Caliguri How many times have we all heard and even repeated the phrase “Ignorance is bliss”?  Itmay be popular, but ignorance is bliss is no credo to live by. One online dictionary defines “Ignorance is bliss” as “a term used to falsely justify apathy on the given…

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Shawn Weber Takes California Collaborative Law Leadership Role

Contact: Gayle Lynn Falkenthal, APR / 619-997-2495 or Weber installed as 2015-2016 President of Collaborative Practice California (SAN DIEGO) – San Diego family law attorney Shawn Weber, CLS-F, member and past president of the Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego, was installed as president of Collaborative Practice California (CP Cal), the statewide organization…

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Stock Options and Restricted Stock In Divorce

by Thea Glazer, CFP®, CDFA™, MS Accounting Glazer Financial Advisors When dividing property in a divorce settlement, stock options and restricted stock may be part of the marital estate. This brief overview provides a basic understanding of the factors you need to take into consideration. It does not go into all the many tax and…

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