Can I Be Divorced Yesterday? Or is Slower Faster?

by Shawn Skillin, Esq. I get calls all the time from one spouse who is in a great big hurry to get divorced. And that’s OK. But, the other spouse is often in exactly the opposite frame of mind. Why is that and how do you deal with it?  What does the law say? Let’s…

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Should You Treat Your Marriage Like A Business?

There are many new models for what used to be the traditional marriage. People are living together without getting married in the legal sense. People are establishing domestic partnerships. There are now legal same-sex marriages. When couples break up, many times they end up in new legal territory. What isn’t new is that any breakup…

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Nine Tips for Deciding Fair Spousal Support

by Robin DeVito, Attorney at Law One of the more difficult issues facing people getting divorced is the issue of spousal support. For both parties, questions generally focus on how much support will be, and how long is it paid. There are three types of spousal support orders. The first: Money is paid for spousal…

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Collaborative Divorce and Middle East Diplomacy

by Barbara Brown, CFLS Brown and Brown, San Diego What does Collaborative Divorce have in common with the Camp David Summit that led to the Israeli-Egyptian Peace treaty in 1978 and the successful release of American hostages from Iran in 1981? Both the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty and the Iranian hostage release employed the technique of…

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