Collaborative Divorce: A More Peaceful Approach

Flower with sunshine in background

In court-litigated divorces, many couple’s decisions about how their marital assets get divided and who gets custody of the children come down to how the judge rules. There is usually no room for communication or negotiating between the marital partners. When a couple utilizes the collaborative divorce process, the goal is to separate in an…

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How to Create a Shared Parenting Plan?

Mother walking child to father.

If you and your spouse find that you are unable to communicate effectively to create a shared parenting plan during the divorce process, it may be time to bring in a divorce coach. Using a divorce coach during the collaborative divorce process can be helpful in opening or starting a line of communication that is…

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What Counts As Community Property in California?

When a couple starts the down the road of divorce, one of the greatest concerns is the division of community property. When a couple decides to utilize the collaborative divorce process, each client agrees that they will share all financial documentation freely and transparently. By agreeing to this, a couple can come to an amicable…

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Important Things to Do Before Starting the Divorce Process

When you realize that divorce is inevitable, your mind starts spinning, and it becomes hard to see the best path forward and what steps you need to take to prepare for the divorce process. It impacts your life in ways you could not even predict, but when you can divorce using a non-adversarial process through…

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The Importance of a Divorce Coach

Woman talking to divorce coach.

Most often, we find that very few communication skills are not present with our clients who are divorcing. Often, it is because they have never learned basic communication skills. If lack of communication is why couples divorce, then most often than not once the divorce is finalized, the communication avenues have almost completely been broken…

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