The Emotional Impact of Divorce

Divorce is a life change and transition that challenges the emotional, interpersonal, and cognitive functioning of those experiencing it. These changes impact all members of the family–not only the parents and the children involved, but also members of the extended family. Divorce is a life experience like no other. Divorce is not an event–it is…

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Top Nine Collaborative Divorce Tips for Success

By Shawn Weber, CA State Bar Certified Family Law Specialist Past President, Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego Board Member of Collaborative Practice California My life as a family law attorney changed with my first Collaborative Practice case. I was moved by the idea of leaving the adversarial process that I found so harmful…

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What You Can Do to Reduce Attorney Fees and Costs and Finish Your Divorce Sooner

by Susan Rapp, CLS-F, Family Law Attorney There are a number of ways to resolve parenting, property, debt, and support issues in a divorce.  These methods include Collaborative Divorce, hiring an attorney and attempting to settle issues outside of court, going to court and litigating unresolved issues, and working with an impartial mediator, with or…

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Pacific Northwest Magazine: “Couples can divorce without drama”

CFLGSD member Constance Ahrons, Ph.D., rofessor emerita of the University of Southern California and the former director, Marriage and Family Therapy Doctoral Program, is quoted in a recent article written for Pacific Northwest Magazine, which appears every Friday as part of the Seattle Times. In the article, Dr. Ahrons explains what it means to have…

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College Debts Delaying Marriage For Graduates

There is a new and surprising reason not to take on too much college debt. A survey by Harris Interactive conducted for the American Institute of CPAs found 15 percent of college graduates have postponed getting married due to their student loan payments. This is a significant number. Almost 39 million U.S. adults had student…

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Brave New World of Divorce: Alimony For Your Eggs?

Divorce is never a happy situation. But it can be especially difficult for women who would like to become mothers and face an expiration date on their fertility. Reproductive medicine provides many more options for people who wish to become parents. But this can also complicate a divorce. Fertility preservation could now become an issue…

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When Advice Hurts, Not Helps During a Divorce

by Mel Mackler, MA, LMFT Coaching and Education for an Emotionally Healthy Divorce In the face of adversity, we all can use support and, sometimes, advice from friends and family that we trust and are close to us.  These two camps are always ready to come to our aid and defense when we are in…

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Collaborative Divorce Discussed in new National Law Review Article

Collaborative divorce enjoyed visibility in this well-written article posted this month on the National Law Review website. The article, titled “Do I Litigate, Mediate, or Collaborate on my Divorce?” is written by Richard A. Gray, a Virginia-based attorney. It offers a very basic overview explanation of the three approaches to divorce. Members of the Collaborative…

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Collaborative Divorces Save Money

by Sandra Joan Morris CA State Bar Certified Family Law Specialist Past President, American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers How expensive is the collaborative law process compared to other methods of resolving cases? As a family law trial attorney, I heard for years that the collaborative process is much more expensive because if it ends, the…

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