Don’t Divorce Alone: It Takes A Village
by Myra Chack Fleischer, CFL-S, Fleischer & Ravreby As we start a new year, it is natural to take stock of your life and look for ways to improve your situation. Sometimes, this means facing the reality that a divorce is necessary for your emotional and sometimes financial health. January is the month with the…
Read MoreIs Mediation or Litigation the Right Choice for My Divorce?
by Julia Garwood, Attorney at Law Family Law, Mediation and Collaborative Divorce Garwood Family Law and Mediation When heading toward the end of a marriage, many people ask what the difference is between divorce mediation and litigation. And beyond that, which one is right for them. There are numerous differences between divorce mediation and litigation,…
Read MoreESPN Radio 1700 AM Features “Divorce Options” Discussion
Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego member Shawn Weber, Certified Family Law Specialist attorney with Brave Weber Mack, recently appeared as a guest on “The Real Estate Radio Hour” on ESPN Radio 1700 AM to talk about the new “Divorce Options” program. Weber reviewed the different choices facing families when considering divorce, and explained…
Read MoreInaugural San Diego “Divorce Options” Workshop Offers Information, Choices
San Diego’s inaugural “Divorce Options” workshop on Oct. 22 brought the acclaimed program developed by Collaborative Practice California to individuals seeking information about their choices regarding divorce. Led by Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego volunteers including attorney and Certified Family Law Specialist Shawn Weber, coach and Licensed Clinical Social Worker Anne Janda, and…
Read MoreChoose Your Filing Options Wisely in a Military Divorce
One-quarter of all active duty United States Navy and United States Marine Corps personnel are based in San Diego County. Add the large number of veterans, retirees, reservists and National Guard, and the significant influence of the military is apparent. When you are a civilian facing divorce, you file in the state where you live.…
Read MoreTips on How to Find the Best Family Law Attorney for You
by Frann Setzer, Esq. MBA/Certified Family Law Specialist Lewis, Warren & Setzer, LLP It surprises me how many phone calls I receive from potential clients whose first question is, ‘what is your hourly rate?’ While I appreciate that legal help is not inexpensive, my experience is that receiving advice from a qualified professional is invaluable.…
Read MoreDon’t Trash Talk Your Ex: Staying Civil After Divorce
Among the many significant benefits of collaborative divorce is providing a framework for respectful, civil discussion between spouses about difficult issues. By remaining civil, emotional stress is lessened on everyone in the family, especially the children. Once the divorce is final, parents need to continue those respectful communication practices as they work together to raise…
Read MoreChoose Your Divorce Date
by Carol Severance, Attorney at Law and Certified Family Law Specialist You chose your wedding date and you and your spouse can choose your divorce date. Some people think the day the Judge signs your Judgment is the day your marriage terminates. But that’s not always true. Spouses have some control over that date. A…
Read MoreYour Brain on Collaborative Divorce
By Garrison “Bud” Klueck Americans of a certain age likely recall a memorable TV commercial. The TV image is that of someone breaking an egg. The voice-over announcer says “This is your brain.” It then cuts to a very hot frying pan sizzling. The egg is dropped into the pan, where it rapidly fried. The…
Read MoreHildy Fentin named President of Southern California Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Contact: Gayle Lynn Falkenthal, APR, Falcon Valley Group 619-997-2495 / gayle@falconvalleygroup.com (SAN DIEGO) – Family law attorney and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mediator and collaborator Hildy Fentin has been named President of the Southern California chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers for the 2014-2015 term. Fentin is the first attorney named to this…
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