Credit Cards and Divorce: Who’s Responsible
Divorce brings many daunting and exhausting questions to try to answer, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Let me tell you why. When you choose the collaborative divorce process over a court litigated divorce, you and your spouse will have access to a team of experts, such as a neutral financial advisor, mental…
Read MoreSpring Cleaning – Does That Include Your Marriage?
By: Shawn D. Skillin, Collaborative Family Law Attorney and Mediator After 24 years as a Divorce Attorney, I have noticed some patterns emerge in my practice. They have evolved a little over the years as we’ve trudged through recessions and a pandemic. But the current trend seems to hold. Spring and Divorce go hand in…
Read MoreDon’t Let Divorce Ruin Your Life!
By Shawn D. Skillin, Esq. Lynn Waldman, LCSW, Counselor and Divorce Coach recently published a Blog entitled “Is Divorce Ruining Your Life.” In my experience as a Divorce Attorney, this is a sentiment frequently expressed by clients, even the ones that want the divorce to begin with. In her blog, Lynn reminds us that divorcing…
Read MoreChild Custody in a Collaborative Divorce
2020 was a trying year. One thing that may stood out to you the most is the need to begin the divorce process. And with that decision, your children are part of your decision to seek a marital dissolution. Your children are the best part of your marital journey, and you want to preserve and…
Read MoreDivorcing in the Month of Love
February is the month of love. Do you have concern about divorce process? Collaborative San Diego can help you, contact us today at (858) 472-4022 to schedule a consultation! But what if love is lost? What if instead of falling in love, or being in love, you are facing the end of love or the…
Read MoreHow to Manage the Stress and Anxiety of Divorce?
By Shawn Skillin, Esquire ShawnSkillinLaw.com Divorce is a big, huge, significant, and stressful life transition. It’s not a transition that most people plan for. Whether you asked for the divorce yourself or were surprised by a request for a divorce from your spouse there is change ahead and change produces stress and anxiety. You may…
Read MoreWhat You Should Know About Your Mortgage When You Divorce?
The divorce process has so many moving and evolving parts. Our clients are often not only concerned with how their family will be emotionally impacted, but they are also interested in learning how their financial landscape will change, especially their home mortgage. One of the first financial questions we get asked is how their mortgage…
Read MoreWho Gets the Kids for Holiday Vacation?
When you are in the middle of getting divorced and have kids, if you are not careful, they can have a stressful holiday vacation. It is not healthy for a child to be thrust into the middle of a divorce and forced to pick sides or choose who they stay with during the Thanksgiving and…
Read MoreHow to Cope with Emotional Triggers After Remarriage?
There is no doubt that divorce can be a hurricane of emotions – even after your divorce has been finalized and you are remarried – but recognizing your emotional triggers and working through them can help your current marriage. Dealing with your emotional triggers is not an easy path to go down. But if you…
Read MoreChild Custody and Moving During a Collaborative Divorce
Divorce court proceedings have been put in a queue in many counties in California with no clear definition of when in-person courtroom appearances will happen again. Many court proceedings are being conducted on video platforms. With hearings not being scheduled for months. But, if you utilize the collaborative divorce process, you do not have to…
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