Children of divorce
Back-to-School Tips for Divorced Parents
For children to succeed at school, they need consistency, transparency and congruency throughout the year. The collaborative divorce process can help you and your spouse address school issues before they arise and develop a co-parenting plan to help. It’s best to have a “who, what, when and where” age-appropriate discussion about school schedules with your…
Read MoreHow Do We Manage Summer Vacation with Our Kids?
When you have shared custody of your children with your co-parent, things can get overwhelming trying to make sure both of you get to enjoy summertime activities with your kids. Here are some tips that can help you keep the line of communication open with your ex-partner: Get everyone on the same page early on…
Read MoreWhat is the Psychological Impact of Divorce on Kids?
Divorce causes emotional turmoil for the whole family – yet for children, the circumstances may be very frustrating, confusing, and scary: Young kids oftentimes have problems understanding why they have to go between two houses. They might be concerned that if their parents are able to stop loving each other that someday, their parents might…
Read MoreHow can you help your children through your divorce? – Join Us for Divorce Options San Diego Workshop, April 6
Divorce can take a toll on the family as a whole. However, with the right help you can make it through your divorce in a peaceful manner. But, how can you do to make sure that your children thrive after your divorce? Join us April 6 to get answers to these and many other questions…
Read MoreEnsuring the Emotional Safety of your Children During Divorce
The time of a divorce may be full of sadness, confusion, and anger. The emotions of your children might be running high, and it’s the best time to step in and offer additional comfort and care for them. Emotional distress of kids surrounding divorce may be minimized if you and your co-parent are able to…
Read MoreTop Nine Collaborative Divorce Tips for Success
By Shawn Weber, CA State Bar Certified Family Law Specialist Past President, Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego Board Member of Collaborative Practice California My life as a family law attorney changed with my first Collaborative Practice case. I was moved by the idea of leaving the adversarial process that I found so harmful…
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