Collaborators Support Kids’ Turn San Diego

Both groups share commitment to children navigating family separations Contact: Gayle Lynn Falkenthal, APR / 619-997-2495 or (SAN DIEGO) – More than 30 years of research continues to reveal negative effects of traditional divorce on children. Many of the 1.5 million children in the U.S. whose parents divorce every year feel as if their…

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New Technology Opens California Court System Access to All

by Susan L Rapp, CFL-S California courts, including Superior Courts handling divorce, support, and child custody matters, have been severely impacted by state budget cuts. This has resulted in a reduction in family court personnel, reduced hours for filings, lengthy waits for divorce judgments to be processed, and delays in child support wage assignments being…

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Collaborating From Afar On Collaborative Divorce Cases

by Meredith G. Lewis, CLS-F, CDFA In most Collaborative Divorce cases, the parties and professional team members reside and work in the same city, and are able to have in person meetings throughout the process. What if a situation arises when one of the parties, or even one of the chosen professional team members, lives…

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Communication Tools for Collaborative Divorce

by Tina Mears, LMFT Learning to communicate efficiently and effectively is a progression in skills, just like learning a golf swing or entertaining for 50 people. There are many moving parts and it changes depending on who is in front of you. As you go through Collaborative Divorce, communication is a key component to its…

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Divorce Is Not A DIY Project:

There are websites and apps for dating. It seems inevitable there would eventually be websites and apps for getting a divorce. With 70 percent of all divorces processed without the help of an attorney in California, there are many couples looking for guidance. Simple online packages are available offering step-by-step plans for a DIY divorce.…

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Myra Chack Fleischer Named Collaborative Family Law Group 2016 Board President

Contact: Gayle Lynn Falkenthal, APR 619-997-2495 or (SAN DIEGO) – Family law attorney Myra Chack Fleischer, CFLS, has been named President of the Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego for the 2016 term. Fleischer is Lead Counsel for Fleischer & Ravreby, a family law practice based in Carlsbad, California, with offices in Beverly…

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End of the Year Divorce Survival Tips

by Julia M. Garwood, Garwood Family Law and Mediation The holidays are a time for celebration and holiday cheer. Members of the Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego understand that holidays can be challenging for divorcees. No need to simply try to survive them. Use these holiday survival tips to help you thrive instead…

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Top Four Reasons Why You Should Hire a Divorce Financial Specialist

by Shawn Weber, CLS-F Attorney, Weber Dispute Resolution In my years as a Collaborative Divorce practitioner, folks have asked me why they should spend the money to hire a Financial Specialist as part of their divorce team. A financial specialist is an excellent resource, who can bring a neutral financial perspective to a legal process.…

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Do You Need A Child Specialist For Your Divorce?

Working with a Child Specialist through the Collaborative Divorce process can help your children move forward without lasting emotional damage. by Frann Setzer, Esq. MBA/Certified Family Law Specialist Lewis, Warren & Setzer, LLP The holidays can be a stressful time of the year, but for those going through separation or divorce that stress can be magnified.…

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