Posts by CPSD Admin
Member Constance Ahrons Delivers Keynote Address in Minneapolis on “Life After Divorce”
Dr. Constance Ahrons recently appeared at a Collaborative Law Summit held by the Collaborative Law Institute of Minnesota. Psychologist Dr. Constance Ahrons of San Diego, a member of the Collaborative Family Law Group of San Diego, delivered the keynote address at the recent “Life After Divorce” Parenting Summit held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The conference was…
Read MoreDiscuss Your Divorce Alternatives at November Workshop
Our popular workshops answer your questions about your options for divorce without destroying your family in the process San Diegans facing difficult decisions about divorce can now take advantage of informative workshops in where they can learn about ways to divorce without resorting to an adversarial, time-consuming, costly court battle resulting in emotional trauma to…
Read MoreRSVP Now for Next Divorce Options Workshop October 7
Popular Carmel Valley workshop location offers convenient freeway access for discussion about your no-court alternatives San Diegans facing difficult decisions about divorce can now take advantage of informative workshops in where they can learn about ways to divorce without resorting to an adversarial, time-consuming, costly court battle. Led by volunteer attorneys, financial specialists, and mental…
Read MoreConsidering divorce? Attend our Divorce Options Workshop Saturday, September 2
Divorce filings rise as children return to school; get informed about your choices (SAN DIEGO) – As children return to school and families end summer vacations, divorce filing rise in California. If you are considering ending your marriage, get informed about your options at the next “Divorce Options” workshop in San Diego offered by the…
Read MoreDivorce: A Professional’s Personal Story
by Mark C. Hill, Certified Financial Planner, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst Managing Director, Pacific Divorce Management It is not unusual for professionals who work in the divorce field to have been motivated in their choice of career by personal experience of divorce. Sometimes it is the memory of how their parents’ divorce was handled in…
Read MoreWho Asks For A Divorce More Often, Men or Women?
Researchers have a gold mine of data when it comes to studying divorce and divorce trends. Two recent studies looked at who initiates divorce more often, men or women. Surprise – both studies, one conducted by Stanford University sociologist Michael Rosenfeld and another produced by the Centers for Disease Control’s National Center for Health Statistics…
Read MoreAugust Now Peak Divorce Month: Free Workshop on Saturday, August 5
(SAN DIEGO) –Recent research reveals the peak month for divorce filings is not January as previously believed. It is August, sparked perhaps by the end of summer vacation time for families and the start of a new school year. San Diegans who are struggling with the difficult choices of a divorce have found the place…
Read MoreDivorce and Taxes: What You Need To Know
by Ginita Wall, CPA, CFP®, CDFA™ Divorce is difficult enough. What could add to the anxiety that divorce brings? Taxes. If you are one of the many people who recently divorced, this year, as a result you will be coping with new tax issues, and may even be filing your own tax return for…
Read MoreRSVP now for July 1 Divorce Options Workshop
Divorce rises in the summer months; get your questions answered before you file (SAN DIEGO) – Recent studies show August is one of the top months for filing for divorce in the United States. If your marriage is ending and you plan to file for divorce, get the information you need to make important decisions…
Read MoreLaw Week 2017 Special: Divorce Options Workshop Free June 3
Special for Law Week: Workshop is free for the last time in 2017 – RSVP today San Diegans facing difficult decisions about divorce can now take advantage of a valuable workshop offering information about their alternatives to a stressful, adversarial divorce. Led by volunteer attorneys, financial specialists, and mental health professionals who are members of…
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