What Does The Court Evaluate Concerning Parental Relocations?


The guiding principle which is going to determine whether or not the court approves a parental relocation is if the move is within the best interest of the child. The court of law will consider these: Reason for move Age of child Educational, psychological, and religious needs of child Proximity of new location to other…

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Valentine’s Day During Divorce

Valentine’s Day is an occasion to experience and share love.  But what if you’re thinking about divorce, in the middle of divorce, or recently divorced?  What does Valentine’s Day mean to you? You might be uncertain of how you feel and that’s OK.  It might be just another day, memories – good or bad –…

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Do I Have to Leave or Sell the House When We Divorce?

By Lynn Waldman and Shawn Skillin Many clients ask us if they have to leave or sell their home when they get a divorce. The answer is not always clear! It’s complicated, so there are many factors that we consider when we are advising our clients how to handle the family home. Here are a few…

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How Can I Tell my Spouse I Want a Divorce?

Your heart knows it is time.  Your brain knows it is time.  But you have been unable to share with your spouse that you want a divorce. Here are some suggestions we share with our clients to help facilitate this problematic conversation: Be 100% sure you want a divorce! Don’t start this conversation if you…

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Divorce Mediation: What are the Benefits?

happy couple hugging

Using divorce mediation permits couples to settle their differences instead of fighting like kids while avoiding litigation in a court of law. There are several benefits to divorce mediation. Below we list a few: Peaceful: Just because the couple makes a decision to dissolve a marriage does not mean the divorce must become a battlefield.…

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How to Gain Clarity During the Divorce Process

Experts note stress levels experienced during a divorce are equal to experiencing other significant losses, such as a death in the family.  It is, after all, the loss of a marriage. A marriage that once had a vision of a future that had hopes and dreams. It is an uncomfortable time, full of anxiety. Anxiety…

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