Posts by CPSD Admin
Should You Use Social Media During a Divorce
Today, with the extensive use of smartphones and social media, we want to “share” with our virtual friends and family how we live out our lives – the “good” and the “bad” through our social media status updates, tweets and pics. The goal of the collaborative divorce process is to find a way to work…
Read MoreRecovering from Divorce – Join Us for Divorce Options San Diego Workshop, August 1
While recovering from a divorce can be challenging, there are steps you can take to help you through. Join us on August 1 to learn tips on how to help you recover from divorce. Learn more about our workshops and RSVP here.
Read MoreWill the Coronavirus Affect Your Divorce? – Join Us for Divorce Options San Diego Workshop, July 11
Going through a divorce is hard enough but when you add a pandemic it can make it extremely difficult. Though the pandemic has stopped many things, there are ways that you can continue with your divorce. Join us on July 11 to learn how you can continue with your divorce during a pandemic. Learn more…
Read MoreTips on How to Deal with the Stress of Divorce
A divorce is often a life-altering experience for all involved. The scars that come from a separation can last a lifetime and even flow into the next generation. Add in COVID-19, the protests, and the stress can be overwhelming. Unfortunately, the court system tends to exacerbate the animosity between the parties involved. It fosters a…
Read MoreShawn Skillin Elected President of Collaborative Practice San Diego – Website for Collaborative Professionals
Shawn D Skillin Keynote Speaker and President of Collaborative Practice San Diego Spoke on Conflict Resolution in High Stress Situations. Excerpt:San Diego, CA — (SBWIRE) — 06/04/2020 — San Diego family law attorney Shawn Skillin was recently elected president of the Collaborative Practice California, a state association of people involved in the divorce process. Read the full…
Read MoreWhat Are the benefits of a Financial Neutral in a Collaborative Divorce? – Join Us for Divorce Options San Diego Workshop, June 6
Splitting up your assets in a divorce can be challenging. However, a financial neutral can make the process easier. Join us on June 6 to learn more about the benefits of a financial neutral in a collaborative divorce. Learn more about our workshops and RSVP here.
Read MoreSurviving the COVID-19 Pandemic with Your Soon-To-Be Ex-Spouse – How?
In this blog article recently posted to my website, I make suggestions for making the most of a difficult situation; living with your soon to be ex-spouse. Difficult situations are often made better by knowing you can take steps to move forward and seek a resolution. With the COVID-19 Pandemic, stay-at-home orders in effect and…
Read More3 Top Reasons That Lead to a Late-Life Divorce
Here, Collaborative Practice San Diego considers 3 top reasons why couples split after they reach age 50 and why they’re eager to have a new lease on life. They Grow Apart Even if you once shared common interests, you may suddenly discover that you have grown apart. One of the spouses may be going through…
Read MorePrenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements – What Are They?
Have you ever wondered about prenuptial or postnuptial agreements and what they actually are? You might’ve wondered whether you even need a prenuptial agreement. Or, you might be giving consideration to starting up a business and wondered if you require a postnuptial agreement to protect your property and spouse? It is nearing the end of…
Read MoreCollaborative Practice San Diego Member, Forrest (Woody) Mosten, Esq., Was Honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy of Professional Family Mediators
August 09, 2019 – Collaborative Practice San Diego Member, Forrest (Woody) Mosten, Esq., Was Honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Academy of Professional Family Mediators Excerpt: San Diego, CA — (SBWIRE) — 08/09/2019 — Collaborative Practice San Diego is an association of attorneys, mental health professionals and financial advisors working together to learn, practice and promote…
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