How to Start Over After Divorce

Woman looking out of window

Life after divorce may initially feel like an ending, but it’s also a powerful opportunity to start over. If you’re navigating this new chapter, consider taking these steps to rediscover your strength and embrace this new chapter in your book of life.

Discovering what brings you joy and helps you take the following steps in your journey is important. Here are some thoughts and suggestions that may help:

It’s important to seek the support of others who have gone before you in the divorce process. Those who have walked the divorce road in the past can help you move forward.

If you find you need support from a counselor or mental health professional, don’t delay or talk yourself out of talking with them.

When people are going through Divorce, they often go through phases of grief such as – denial, depression, anger, bargaining and acceptance – acknowledge each of these stages. If you have not started journaling your emotions, start today – it can be an important step towards healing and moving forward.

We often find ourselves putting our spouse, children and family above our needs. And mostly likely this is what happened during your divorce. The time is now to begin putting you first in self-care – it’s the first step.

If you are a parent, set boundaries and develop communication strategies for you and your ex. Some groundwork must be laid to help lessen confusion and head off issues before they start.

Review your post-divorce financial budget – it may surprise you what you have to work with moving forward.

This journey is uniquely yours, and it takes time to heal, grow, and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.

The Collaborative Practice of San Diego is a nonprofit, multi-disciplinary referral network of independent professionals of attorneys, mental health professionals and financial advisors working together to learn, practice, and promote Collaborative processes for problem-solving and the peaceful resolution of family law issues to preserve the emotional state of the family.

Contact us today for a FREE consultation!

Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/tax/or mental health advice. You should work with your attorney, financial, mental health or tax professional to determine what will work best for your situation.

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